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From mobility to accessibility : reinventing chinese cellular urbanism

From mobility to accessibility : reinventing chinese cellular urbanism


Georgina André, doctorante en géographie urbaine à l’université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – laboratoire UMR PRODIG, en convention CIFRE chez Arte Charpentier Architectes ; doctorante en aménagement urbain à l’Université de Wuhan - Institut de design urbain).

Given the extending travel distance, the short distance refers both to the “last mile” and the proximity travels. It encompasses a large scale of issues, from territorial, social, land to technological ones which are embedded in both disciplinary and public policies discussions about urban development. Indeed, political agenda increasingly endeavors to embed the urban development into land resources and financial and environmental rationale. Connecting long and short distance travels and means of transportation (mass transit and “slow” means of transport) are considered today as key components of the sustainable metropolitan model.

Document joint : Présentation de Georgina ANDRE    3.4 Mo